Ink and imaging projects to get H2020 FET funding
The European Commission has announced that it received 691 proposals as part of the latest tranche of funding from the 2015 FET Open Call.
The call, which focuses on funding ‘Novel ideas for radically new technologies’, both had a cut-off date of 31 March 2015. Brussels has announced that 670 submissions were obtained for €154m on the ‘Research and Innovation Actions’ (RIA) topic, whilst there were 21 responses for €3m under the ‘Coordination and Support Actions’ (CSA) scheme during this latest period. A final deadline date for the FET Open Call is on 29 September 2015, which is funded under the Excellent Science pillar.
Meanwhile, the Commission has also revealed the winning project applications for the FET Open Call that had a submission deadline of 30 September 2014. A total of 24 RIA projects have been selected, alongside four CSA proposals.
Amongst the RIA winners are ‘2D-INK’, which ‘is targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low cost, large area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology’; ‘CHROMAVISION’, which seeks to ‘develop a pioneering chromosome imaging and manipulation platform’; and ‘DIACAT’, which centres on developing a ‘technology based on man-made diamonds for the direct photocatalytic conversion of CO2 into fine chemicals and fuels using illumination with visible light’.
In addition, CSA winners include ‘FET_Traces’, which aims to ‘measure and assess the direct and indirect impacts of the FET programme on the science and technology landscape’, and ‘FET-Event’, which will assist in organising the next FET event.
The grant agreements for these projects are currently being negotiated and signed with the Commission, which expects the projects to begin from June.